Audio Back End

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DUE Wed, 02/12, 2 pm

We first prepare Chatter back end to support audio.

Install updates

Remember to install updates available to your Ubuntu back end. If N in the following notice you see when you ssh to your back-end server is not 0,

N updates can be applied immediately.

run the following:

server$ sudo apt update
server$ sudo apt upgrade

Failure to update your packages could lead to the lab back end not performing correctly and also make you vulnerable to security hacks.

If you see *** System restart required *** when you ssh to your server, please run:

server$ sync
server$ sudo reboot

Your ssh session will be ended at the server. Wait a few minutes for the system to reboot before you ssh to your server again.

Modified Chatter API data formats

In this lab, we allow user to post an audio clip with their chatt.

As in previous labs, the chatts retrieval API will send back all accumulated chatts in the form of a JSON array of string arrays. In addition to the elements “username”, “message”, “id”, and “timestamp” of the first lab, each string array now carries one additional element which is a base64-encoded string of the audio clip:

  ["username0", "message0", "id0", "timestamp0", "base64-encoded audio0"],
  ["username1", "message1", "id1", "timestamp1", "base64-encoded audio1"], 

To post a chatt, the client correspondingly sends a JSON object with keys “username”, “message”, and “audio”, where the value for key “audio” is a base64-encoded string. If no audio is posted, the value may be a JSON null or the empty string (""). For example:

   "username": "YOUR_UNIQNAME",	
   "message": "Hello world!",	
   "audio": ""

In terms of testing, unfortunately there’s no practical way to include a Base64-encoded sample audio string, nor a way to play it back without a front-end to decode it.

Database table

We first add a new column named audio of type text to the chatts table in your chatterdb database:

Rename column

If you want to change a column name, for example, from “voice” to “audio”, you first remove the “voice” column from your chatts table using:


and then add a new “audio” column as per above.

Web server

We now add new URL paths and their corresponding handlers to your back-end server.

server$ cd ~/441/chatterd
Switching back-end stack

To switch back-end stack, you do not need to set up a new AWS/GCP server, you can re-use the same server. You can also re-use your public key certificate and private key. All of the back-end alternatives assume the same file locations for these. You do not need to move them. All aletrnatives also work with the same PostgreSQL set up. You can re-use your existing chatterdb PostgreSQL database and chatts table. But you would need to set up the alternate back-end stack you want to switch to from scratch, following the chatter lab back-end spec starting from the Web server framework section to the end of the spec before continuing with the steps below.

:warning:In particular, should you decide to switch from a Go/Rust backend to a JavaScript or Python backend, or vice versa, update your /etc/systemd/system/chatterd.service file to point to the new back-end server and do:

  server$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  server$ sudo systemctl restart chatterd

You don’t need to edit the chatterd.service file but only need to restart chatterd if you’re switching between Go and Rust backends. See the Chatter lab spec for instructions on how to edit the chatterd.service.

Go with Echo

Go with Echo

Editing handlers.go

Add one new property to the Chatt struct in handlers.go:

type Chatt struct {
    // . . .
    Audio  *string    `json:"audio"`

To the back-end database, the audio data is just a string. Since the audio string optional, we set the type to *string, which can take on a null pointer, nil in Go.

To handle audio data uploads, make a copy of your postchatt() function inside your handlers.go file and name the copy postaudio(). Replace the call to chatterDB.Exec() with:

chatterDB.Exec(background, `INSERT INTO chatts (username, message, id, audio) VALUES ($1, $2, gen_random_uuid(), $3)`, chatt.Username, chatt.Message, chatt.Audio)

which extracts the audio data from the JSON object and insert it into the chatts table, along with the rest of its associated chatt.

Next, make a copy of your getchatts() function inside your handlers.go file and name the copy getaudio(). Replace the SELECT statement with `SELECT username, message, id, time, audio FROM chatts ORDER BY time DESC`. This statement will retrieve all data, including our new audio string from the PostgreSQL database.

Still in getaudio(), replace the rows.Scan() call in the for rows.Next() {} block with:

        rows.Scan(&chatt.Username, &chatt.Message, &chatt.Id, &chatt.Timestamp, &chatt.Audio)

and if the returned err is not nil:

        chattArr = append(chattArr, []any{chatt.Username, chatt.Message, chatt.Id, chatt.Timestamp, chatt.Audio})

In addition to the original columns, we added reading the audio column and included it in the chatt data returned to the front end.

Save and exit handlers.go.

Routing for new URLs

For the newly added getaudio() and postaudio() functions, add the following new routes to the routes array in main.go:

var routes = []Route {
    // . . .
    {"GET", "/getaudio/", getaudio},
    {"POST", "/postaudio/", postaudio},

Save and exit main.go.

:point_right:Go is a compiled language, like C/C++ and unlike Python, which is an interpreted language. This means you must run go build each and every time you made changes to your code, for the changes to show up in your executable.

Rebuild and restart chatterd:

server$ go build
server$ sudo systemctl restart chatterd

JavaScript with Express

JavaScript with Express

Editing handlers.ts

Add one new property to the Chatt interface in handlers.ts:

interface Chatt {}
    // . . .
    audio: string | null

To the back-end database, the audio data is just a string.

To handle audio data uploads, make a copy of your postchatt() function inside your handlers.ts file and name the copy postaudio(). Replace the line with the INSERT statement with:

        await chatterDB`INSERT INTO chatts (username, message, id, audio) VALUES (${chatt.username}, ${chatt.message}, ${randomUUID()}, ${})`

which extracts the audio data from the JSON object and insert it into the chatts table, along with the rest of its associated chatt.

Next, make a copy of your getchatts() function inside your handlers.ts file and name the copy getaudio(). Replace the declaration of chatts with:

        const chatts = await chatterDB`SELECT username, message, id, time, audio FROM chatts ORDER BY time DESC`.values()

This will retrieve all data, including our new audio string from the PostgreSQL database.

Save and exit handlers.ts.

Routing for new URLs

For the newly added getaudio() and postaudio() functions, add the following new routes to the Express app instantiation in main.ts:

      .get('/getaudio/', handlers.getaudio)
      .post('/postaudio/', handlers.postaudio)

Save and exit main.ts. Rebuild and restart chatterd:

server$ npx tsc
server$ sudo systemctl restart chatterd

Python with Starlette

Python with Starlette


Add one new property to the Chatt struct in

class Chatt:
    // . . .
    audio: Optional[str] = None

To the back-end database, the audio data is just a string.

To handle audio data uploads, make a copy of your postchatt() function inside your file and name the copy postaudio(). Replace the call to cursor.execute() with:

            await cursor.execute('INSERT INTO chatts (username, message, id, audio) VALUES '
                                 '(%s, %s, gen_random_uuid(), %s);', (chatt.username, chatt.message,

which extracts the audio data from the JSON object and insert it into the chatts table, along with the rest of its associated chatt.

Next, make a copy of your getchatts() function inside your file and name the copy getaudio(). Replace the SELECT statement with 'SELECT username, message, id, time, audio FROM chatts ORDER BY time DESC;'. This statement will retrieve all data, including our new audio string from the PostgreSQL database.

Save and exit

Routing for new URLs

For the newly added getaudio() and postaudio() functions, add the following new routes to the routes array in

    Route('/getaudio/', handlers.getaudio, methods=['GET']),
    Route('/postaudio/', handlers.postaudio, methods=['POST']),

Save and exit and restart chatterd:

server$ sudo systemctl restart chatterd

Rust with axum

Rust with axum


Add one new property to the Chatt struct in

pub struct Chatt {
    // . . .
    audio: Option<String>,

To the back-end database, the audio data is just a string.

To handle audio data uploads, make a copy of your postchatt() function inside your file and name the copy postaudio(). Replace the parameters in the call to chatterDB.execute() with:

            "INSERT INTO chatts (username, message, id, audio) VALUES ($1, $2, gen_random_uuid(), $3)",
            &[&chatt.username, &chatt.message, &],

which extracts the audio from the JSON object and insert it into the chatts table, along with the rest of its associated chatt.

Next, make a copy of your getchatts() function inside your file and name the copy getaudio(). Replace the SELECT statement with: "SELECT username, message, id, time, audio FROM chatts ORDER BY time DESC". This statement will retrieve all data, including our new audio data from the PostgreSQL database.

Still in getaudio(), replace the chattArr.push(/*...*/); line with:

            Some(row.get::<usize, Uuid>(2).to_string()),
            Some(row.get::<usize, DateTime<Local>>(3).to_string()),

In addition to the original columns, we added reading the audio column and included it in the chatt data returned to the front end.

Save and exit

Routing for new URLs

For the newly added getaudio() and postaudio() functions, add the following new routes to the Router instantiation of the router variable in, before the .layer(/*...*/) line:

        .route("/getaudio/", get(handlers::getaudio))
        .route("/postaudio/", post(handlers::postaudio))

Save and exit Rebuild and restart chatterd:

server$ cargo build --release
server$ sudo systemctl restart chatterd

Submitting your back end

Congratulations! You’ve completed the back end modifications necessary to support audio!

Prepared for EECS 441 by Wendan Jiang, Ollie Elmgren, Benjamin Brengman, Mark Wassink, Alexander Wu, Chenglin Li, Yibo Pi, and Sugih Jamin Last updated: December 9th, 2024